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AWS Management & S3 apps

Benefit from Amazon Web Services (AWS) without having to struggle with the service’s complexity and worry about the technical aspects.

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AWS Management app – easy access to cloud computing

With the AWS Management app, your employees can manage project nodes (create and modify instances), create buckets (named pieces of storage), seamlessly share data between teams as well as manage secure access through SSH keys and VPN.

Users have a clear overview of Project Nodes – click to enlarge

Users have a clear overview of Data Storage – click to enlarge

Additionally, a separate admin account provides project or team leaders with an overview of all instances. They can see each instance’s state (running/stopped), sort all instances by users and projects, and track the costs of machines.

Admin account provides a transparent overview of all instances, including costs – click to enlarge

Admin account provides a simple overview of all users – click to enlarge

All this is available through a user-friendly interface with no need for coding and managing everything manually.

If you are in the Azure AD environment, your teams will moreover easily access the AWS Management app through a single sign-on, therefore you won’t have to manage separate credentials for your teams to access this app.

AWS management app is conveniently accessible with single sign-on via Azure AD – click to enlarge

S3 app – easy data sharing

The S3 app enables easy data-sharing – click to enlarge

Together with the AWS Management app, we provide the S3 app. It allows easy access via a browser to the Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service). Your teams, collaborators, or customers who are not using the project
nodes (accessible via the AWS Management app) can use the S3 app to share data, for example uploading or downloading resources via URL.

The uploaded data is automatically available also to the teams who work with the project nodes through the AWS Management app. Similar to the management app, the S3 app has a user-friendly interface, simplifying and speeding up collaborations, while keeping the resources sharing secure.

Benefits of Excelra’s AWS management app

Ease of use
Security (SSH, VPN)
Cost tracking

AWS management app features

  • Single sign-on with Office 365 credentials
  • User-friendly interface with a simple navigation
  • Separate user and admin accounts for better control
  • Admin account with a transparent overview of customer accounts and users, enabling control of costs and other parameters
  • S3 app extension for easy and secure data sharing
  • Excelra’s global support

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